I finally updated the site to the latest, fixed version of WordPress. Welcome back to hyperlinks and media embeds! I also organized the header so downloads for both Aurora and Volo are now easier to find. Those download pages will always point to the files you need.
Below all posts you will now find that Disqus is used to handle all our discourse. If you’re wondering where all the old comments have gone: They’re still here, just hidden. I’ll try and import them into Disqus in the next week.
I’ve set up a Feedback and Feature Request Page using Uservoice. I’m using their free plan just to see if I like it, and it only supports The Aurora Wager right now. The idea is that you can submit ideas for both games, or vote on existing ones. Popular ideas bubble to the top, and if we like an idea enough we can commit to putting it into the game. Keep in mind that this is just an experiment for now, but if you have some feedback for us please take a look there! It also has a knowledge base on which I posted a guide on reporting crashes and bugs)
An avid Aurora Wager player called Sam created a Wikia page for The Aurora Wager, check it out!
In typical Tinus fashion The Aurora Wager V4 took longer to create than promised, but it’s pretty much done. Some highlights:
- Split-screen multiplayer support (just technically though, no real gameplay changes yet)
- In-game graphics and control configuration screens
- Improved wind field system (more variation, anomalies, less prone to crashing)
- Improved wind graphics (More, longer trails, optimized performance)
- Fixes to grappling hook physics
- Flag now rotates with wind direction
- Fuel amount per canister cut in half
Look for it this week! (Yes, definitely.)
After V4 is out I’m back on Volo Airsport for a bit. It needs love, and I have love to give.
Oculus Rift
I received my Rift developer kit this weekend! I’ve played around with it a bit, and have started adapting the code for integration into Volo and Aurora. First impressions: moments of intense wonder mixed with moments of intense seasickness. I’m excited, but there’s lots and lots of caveats. More detailed post coming next week!